Ted Cruz: Trump Supporters ‘Might as Well Put a Hillary Sticker on Your Car’
http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/04/20/ted-cruz-trump-supporters-might-well-put-hillary-sticker-car/19 Apr 2016 - CBS Battleground polls show Ted Cruz is viewed as less honest than Hillary Clinton
16 Apr 2016 - Cruz To Wyoming Delegates: A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Hillary
13 Apr 2016 - Cruz on Trump campaign: 'They're acting like union boss thugs'
13 Apr 2016 - Ted Cruz was just OUTED as a "Lying psychopath"
9 Apr 2016- Cruz may not appear on New Jersey Ballot due to Voter Fraud violations
9- Apr 2016 - Indiana GOP Locking Up Delegates To Keep From Going To Trump, And No One Has Voted Yet!
http://redstatewatcher.com/article.asp?id=1424114 Apr 2016-
cruz college political past EXPOSED
8 Apr 2016 - Cruz Married To His Cousin? It’s okay though because in his state it’s legal?
3 Apr 2016 - Reagan Insider Demands That Ted Cruz Be Arrested for Voter Fraud
For someone who shouldn't EVEN be a Senator, let alone running for president, this guy has some really strange ideas!Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz was 'elected' as Senator of Texas in 2012. He started the process of 'naturalization' in 2004 or 2005 - as of yet, 2016, the FINAL paperwork to complete that process has not been done- WHY?? Because he would be ADMITTING he is not eligible to be president!! .He didn't renounce his Canadian citizenship until 14 May 2014! Doesn't that make him ineligible to be a Senator? Doesn't THAT prove he is NOT eligible to be president?
Born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to two Canadian citizens. Neither parent was a diplomat of any kind, The US has NO holdings in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, They were issued a Canadian birth certificate upon his birth! I have heard the 'rumor' of him holding dual-citizenship, which was NOT possible at the time of his birth. The Cruz family moved to America in 1974. In the zealous effort to prove that traitor John McCain IS a US natural born citizen the government, with Senate Bill 511 (2008), has proven that not only is barry soetoro/obama not eligible to be president but neither are Rafael "Ted" Cruz and Florida Senator Marco Rubio.
Ten Inconvenient Truths That Ted Cruz Doesn’t Want You to Know

If you were not born in the United States and don't have parents who are CITIZENS there, you need to take several steps to become a citizen BUT you will NEVER be a Natural Born Citizen of the USA. First, you need to apply for a green card or "permanent residence," which will allow you to live in the United States on a permanent basis. The main categories for green cards are based on either having close family members who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, having been offered a job in the United States in a field in which the employer is unable to find a ready, able, and willing U.S. worker to fill the position, or having $1 million to invest in a U.S. business. Dual Citizenship - not recognized by Canada until 1974!
The Canadian Birth Certificate says it ALL!

Parents were Canadian citizens
Cruz Campaign Lied – Phone Call to Precinct Captains Details Carson Dropping Out
Rafael Edward Cruz's voting record proves that he voted to bring one million aliens to America every year with new work visas. He voted to give ALL the illegal 'immigrants' in this country amnesty. THAT is treason!
He also voted to cut benefits for veterans, s.s. & medicare while voting to give himself a raise. He's just another bought and paid for politician. He hides it in front of the camera and puts on a performance trying to show he's against the gang of eight. His voting records clearly shows he votes with them and against the American CITIZENS!
Heidi, is a former member of the Council on Foreign Relations and played a role in crafting a CFR document DENOUNCING American sovereignty.
Soros Funded Moveon.org Takes Credit for Violence in Chciago
Calls Trump supporters low information and not engaged
Ted Cruz goes all-in for Monsanto; insults tens of millions of health-conscious Americans by calling them 'anti science zealots'
Insults by cruz: I’m a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly, and Ben, you’re a terrible surgeon.
Outrage Ensues After Voter Reveals FRAUD in Utah GOP Caucus
Soros company, Smartmatic, Controls 80% of Utah Votes
SARAH PALIN Just DESTROYED TED CRUZ In An INCREDIBLE WAY!!! http://patriotcrier.com/sarah-palin-just-destroyed-ted-cruz-in-an-incredible-way-check-this-out/
Why Ted Cruz is so Despised! https://youtu.be/HnQfEmyhxY4
TROUBLE: Cruz Asked if He’s “Always Been Faithful,” Then Something Alarming Happens
man without a country rafael cruz jr. could have flatly denied the allegations - OR answered the question instead of 'dodging' around it!! The news is out so either way - he still ends up looking like the pathetic FOOL that he is!!
Ted Cruz Proposes Bill To Strip 5th And 6th Amendment Out Of US Constitution
CBS Host Laughs in Ted Cruz's Face While He Lies
Why Ted Cruz is so Despised!
2-Apr 2016 - Video proves Lyin' Ted Cruz is just flat out lying to his followers
Hedge fund managers pour cash into Cruz and Clinton campaigns in bid to stop Trump
Colorado Trump Delegates Scratched From Ballots at GOP Convention – Cruzers Listed TWICE
9 Apr 2016 - Cruz Camp STEALS St. Louis County Delegates After Trump Wins Initial Vote
More voter fraud complaints coming from urban voter precincts in Wisconsin, all favoring Ted Cruz.
Trump supporters in Wisconsin report seeing votes being changed to Cruz
Ted Cruz And The Wall Street Connection
2 Feb 2015 - 42 Statements Made By Ted Cruz Were Fact-Checked – The Only One That Was True Was About Toilets
July 10, 2014 Ted Cruz Launches Senate Fight To Auction Off America’s Public Lands
Don't arm Syrian rebels without a clear plan to combat ISIS. (Sep 2014)
Bomb ISIS back into the Stone Age, with Congress' approval. (Sep 2014)
Classic example of the GOVERNMENT funding and equipping BOTH sides of a conflict/war! Stop funding for BOTH! Rafael STILL spewing MORE government rhetoric!!
US Syria Rebels Arms Program Suspended
US Supports ISIS
US Created ISIS
Legally require hiring women & minorities - Lets forget 'legally requiring' hiring ANYONE and hire the most QUALIFIED person for the position!
Raise retirement age; cap increases to inflation rate - You can't be serious! Retirement age is 67 already! Raise retirement age to what? 70? 75? Worldwide, the average life expectancy at birth was 71.0 years (68.5 years for males and 73.5 years for females) over the period 2010–2013 according to United Nations World Population Prospects 2012 Revision, or 70.7 years (68.2 years for males and 73.2 years for females) for 2009 according to The World Factbook. You want people to work until they die, nice!
Voted NO on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems - I can see the damage done by the EPA, but they need to be held accountable for the damage THEY cause just as if it was a private citizen/company/corporation who caused it! Gold King Mine, Colorado - Halliburton Fracking Disaster, Ohio - Coal Ash Disaster, Tennessee - to name a few
Stricter punishment reduces crime - What, you are still in kindergarten? Decriminalize ALL currently 'illicit' drugs! It is ridiculous to have someone in prison for 10 to 15 years because they had half a pill of illegal narcotics when the government is providing cartels, such as the Mexican Drug Cartel (El Chapo), with drugs (confiscated from the American citizens, who are now in prison), money laundering services, and firearms and ammunition to be used against the American people.
US Constitution Article 2 Section 1
No person except a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN (NBC) (BOTH parents must be US citizens), or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;
neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.
US Constitution Article 1 Section 3
No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been NINE years a CITIZEN of the United States and who shall NOT, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen.
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